See below for common styles and blocks used across the site. On the Editor screen, click a block, click the menu, and click “Copy”. Then go to the page you are working on and Ctrl or Cmd-V to paste it into your new page.
Be sure to use the List view (last button in the set at the top left of the WordPress editor) to get a good overview of the structure of a page.
Use the “Page Customizations” setting area on the sidebar to set a header graphic that will show up behind the Page Title. Otherwise, it is displayed as an H1.
Gutenberg Editor Help Documentation
H1 – Heading 1
H2 – Heading 2
H3 – Heading 3
H4 – Heading 4
Blue theme color – text-primary (#0078A9)
Green theme color – text-secondary (#57AC45)
Orange theme color – text-tertiary (#E18024)
Notes on buttons:
- To create a secondary button, add the class “btn-secondary” in the Advanced -> Additional CSS class(es) section of the button.
- You can make a button larger by changing the size of the text in the Typography section of the button
Accordion Item Title
Content that goes inside the accordion
More content inside the accordion
Below is an example of a few things:
- A columns block with custom padding and margins
- Theme colors applied with a class
Look at the CSS classes added to the Advanced -> Additional CSS class(es) sections of the columns block, as well as the individual columns themselves

Business Development and Collaboration
Below are separators with theme colors set (green or secondary is default for separators)
This paragraph and the separator have a margin overrides so the separator is closer to the text
Many pages use a column layout with the main content in a 75% column on the left and 25% column on the right that acts a sidebar, usually to hold the Events content. Copy the Columns block below to get a head start.
You can embed the RTCC Events sidebar (the next 5 events plus a “More” link) anywhere with the shortcode block with a shortcode of [rtcc_events]
Content for the main column goes here